Happy Monday, friends! I’m working today, and I have the rest of the week off to spend some time relaxing and enjoying Thanksgiving. And, I am so looking forward to having a couple of days to just “be.”
I am decorating my house for Christmas on Saturday, and I’m so excited to pull out my decorations and find spots for them in the new house. I can’t wait to start new traditions in this house! You can read about our Thanksgiving plans here. Because I work in health care, I am required to have two negative COVID tests upon my return.
Aaron and I had ourselves the best little weekend. I’ve mentioned before that the COVID mentality has been a marathon – and not a sprint – for me. I’ve had days where I really feel like I’ve found my new routine and other days where I just really mourn the loss of how things used to be. It’s been my prayer the whole year that something good comes out of this.
Friday evening, I just had to get out of the house, so Aaron and I met our friend at our new favorite Tex-Mex place for some queso and margs. Yes please!
Saturday morning snuggles with Sawyer.
Saturday morning, Aaron and I set off on our long bike ride. I had every intention of riding about 25-30 miles. We were about 5-miles away from home, and I heard a hissing sound. Aaron had a major flat tire. I rode back to the house solo, and grabbed my car to rescue him.
We had a ton of yard work to do. The big trees in the front drop a lot of leaves on the yard. So, I swept the porch, raked some leaves and trimmed some of my flowers in the front. Aaron mowed the grass and did some more raking. It took some time, but there is something really satisfying about doing some of the work yourself. Now, I can’t promise how long we will keep this up ourselves, but we are going to try for now.
After that, I decided I wanted had to go to Target for some Christmas decor essentials. I did need a few grocery items and some essentials for the house. Apparently there is another run on toilet paper.
I did happen to peruse the Christmas section, and decided I needed a whole new tree for my dining room so there is that. In my defense, the trees were on sale, so I didn’t break the bank. 🙂
I also grabbed some of these Command hooks. And you need them. I promise. Remember when I said I wanted to be more organized? Well, I’ve used these to mount all of my cleaning tools – brooms/swiffers/mops/rakes/pool tools… you need these.
See – here they are with my broom and rake. Up and off my garage floor!
I headed home after Target because one of my friends was coming over to hang out and see the new house. Aaron had quite the surprise waiting for me when I got home, though.
We have been talking about putting up string lights in the backyard, but I just haven’t had the chance to go get them. Aaron was installing my string lights, and they look fabulous. Now, I just need a dining set and a TV in the backyard, and it will be ready for action next summer for pool season. Future plans for the yard include installing an outdoor kitchen, but first things first.
It was so nice to catch up, have some wine and eat some thai food with my friend!
I woke up Sunday morning with every intention of going on a 3-mile run. But, Aaron decided to test out his repaired tire, and I got a phone call not long after I had woken up. His tire was flat again, and he needed me to pick him up. I went to pick him up, brought him back to the house and decided to do a quick walk on the trails around my neighborhood before we watched church online.
Then, I had my dog sitter come over to check out the new house and show her how we do our dog stuff. I do prefer using a dog sitter to watch our dogs as opposed to boarding them when we head out of town. Sawyer is 12, and Buttercup is 11, so taking them to a facility that puts them outside to play all day is not idea for dogs their ages. I used to board them when they were a bit younger, but now, I prefer using my dog sitter.
I gave the dogs a bath, which they hated…..
After all of that, I decided that I needed some me time, so I headed out to go shopping for a bit. I needed a Thanksgiving outfit – or two. This was one of my finds! I also picked up some cozy sweaters for when it starts getting cold and a new pair of shoes!
Happy Thanksgiving week, ya’ll. I’ll be back here tomorrow sharing some of the details on our California wedding.