This week flew by, and I honestly can’t believe that it’s Friday. I’m coming to you this morning with a nice warm cup of coffee. I’ve got two meetings on my agenda this morning: one at 10 – and the other at 11, and I plan on putting my head down to knock out an article I’m writing, along with…
Month: July 2021
That working from home life
Now that I’ve been working from home for almost a year and half, I figured I’d give you a quick update on how that’s going for me – and share some tips that I’ve learned along the way. I feel like I’m kind of in that weird in-between space of working from home – and that looming deadline of my…
Summer Nights
Since I’m kind of on a summer theme this week, I figured I’d talk about some of my favorite things to do on those hot, summer nights. It’s one of my favorite parts of the year because I consider myself a warm-weather type of girl. So come join me while I talk about some of my favorite things to do…
Easy Instant Pot Recipe: Instant Pot Egg Rolls
Any Instant Pot fans out there? My friend gave me one as a wedding gift, and I had no idea what it was at the time. But, nearly five years later, I love it. It can be kind of intimidating until you take the time to read the instructions – and start off with some easy recipes (like my instant…
Weekend Wrap-up
Happy Monday – I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was fairly restful, but we still had ourselves a good time. Summer weekends are the best. Friday I worked from home all day Friday, and it was one of those days where I had lots of little projects that I was trying to knock off my to-do list. I…
Friday Favorites: Summer Edition
Happy Friday! I always get some of my best work done on Fridays – seriously. When I was working from my office in the Med Center, it was casual – so we could wear jeans every Friday. And, since many people were working schedules that allowed them to have Fridays off, it was pretty quiet in the office. Friday coffee…
Life Lately + Houston Summers
I hope you all are having a great week. I’m sharing some things that have been on my mind lately, along with some fun things to do during Houston summers. I’m still over here trying to mentally recover from losing Buttercup late last week. It’s hard to believe that we started 2021 with two members of the fam who just…
I thought I’d give you guys a brief update on the pups. The last update I did with them, we had only had them for three weeks. Now that we’ve had a chance to settle in, I’ll let you know how things are coming along. So, consider this your 1.5 month pupdate. 12-weeks old Today, the puppies are 12 weeks…
Explore your own backyard: Biking Buffalo Bayou
I’ve done a couple of these posts about exploring some fun things to do in your own backyard. And today, I thought it would be fun to talk about one of my favorite things to do in Houston: biking. Houston might not seem like it would be a city filled with bike trails, but it has miles upon miles of…
Saying goodbye to Buttercup
Happy Monday, everyone. I wish I were here today with better news. There is really no easy way to say this either, but we had to say goodbye to Buttercup on Friday afternoon. When I wrote Friday’s blog, I wasn’t envisioning the day to turn out the way it did, and Aaron and I are still kind of trying to…