It feels so strange to be on the brink of a new year. Throughout 2020 there were so many times when I told myself that “it would just be a couple more weeks,” or if we can just “get past this (first) peak” things would start to get better. For an “introverted extrovert,” it has been difficult for me to…
Year: 2020
Holiday Baking: Top four holiday Christmas cookies
I mentioned yesterday that I made some special deliveries to some special friends and neighbors: Holiday cookie tins! Baking Christmas cookies has been a tradition since I was a little girl. My mom and I would spend hours in the kitchen baking. And my parents would pass along their goodies to friends, family and neighbors. When I went away to…
How We Spent Christmas 2020
Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that it was everything you needed it to be this strange year. We were supposed to host Christmas at our house, but our plans changed at the last minute, but it wouldn’t be 2020 if that didn’t happen. Am I right? Christmas 2020 My in laws decided not to…
Merry Christmas from the Gomez Family
I thought this was such an appropriate card for 2020. This year, many of us have had to dig deep to find joy. It’s my hope for you, that you can find all the joy in the days this year has left to offer, and it’s my prayer that 2021 is all you need it to be. Thank you for…
Seven more days until Christmas + All the holiday things
Happy Friday friends! We are in the home stretch to Christmas. Only seven more days, and I can’t wait. My in-laws are arriving the morning of Christmas Eve, and I’m looking forward to celebrating. You know what I’ll be doing this weekend: watching alllll the holiday movies and baking all of the cookies. Looking back over this week and year,…
Houston Zoo Lights 2020
I recapped the Houston Zoo Lights from years past a couple of weeks ago. They rescheduled the 2020 donor event due to weather, and last night was the rescheduled date. I was a bit worried that it would get rained out again, but the rain cleared out later in the afternoon. In order to maintain the flow of traffic through…
Top Five Holiday Wine (and Champagne) Choices
Today, I thought it would be fun to talk about some of my favorite adult beverages to pair with a meal. I mentioned last week that I’m hosting Christmas for my in-laws at our new house this year. We just decided to switch it up last week. Since then, Aaron and I have been in a mad rush to get…
Tuesday Things: Weekend Recap + Dining Room Update
How is everyone’s Tuesday going so far? Mine if off to a great start. I have a cup of my matcha (I went with an organic matcha this morning), and I’m ready to get through these last four days before my week off! Aaron is in Austin today for one of the companies he consults for. I used to live…
Count On Me
Happy Monday, friends! Sorry this post is a little bit late, but I’ve been swamped and in meetings all day. It’s that last push before a holiday, right? I took all of next week off from work, and I can’t wait. It has been a very busy first quarter of the fiscal year, and I could use some days to…
Friday Feels + Christmas Update + Advent
Happy Friday! During the holiday season, I cherish my weekends more than ever. It really gives me the chance to knock a ton of things off my to-do list that I just can’t seem to get done during the week. Before I begin, have you been following along with the Advent readings this week? The theme is faith, and it’s…