
Weekend Digest: Relaxation – what’s that?


Happy Monday, friends. I’ve mentioned before that I’m terrible at relaxing. I don’t know what it is, but I’m happiest when I’m going and doing. I’m really trying to be better at that. This weekend wasn’t exactly relaxing, but it was one that filled my tank up for this coming week – and we’ve got a lot going on this week. My husband came home Friday evening just wiped out from the week. And he’s got exciting things cooking in his business, but he’s been working so incredibly hard. I know I say this whenever I bring him up, but I’ll have to share his story here one day – it’s pretty amazing!


golden retriever

I worked all day Friday, and I shut it down at 5:30. It was kind of a draining week having to say “see ya later” to my director. We have a wonderful ad interim director, but there is still lots of hard work ahead to fill the gap my director leaves behind. The Spuds were happy to finally be outside to play. We took them on a quick walk when Aaron got home, and we did pizza night at the house.


I lit some candles, we got cozy, and we watched some Ozark! It was honestly a really solid Friday night!



I started my morning off with some Nespresso, and I also ordered some new pods. Aaron headed into his office for a bit, and the productivity bug bit me. You know those days when you wake up, and you just start knocking things off the list? Yeah – that was my Saturday morning.

golden retrievers

I walked the dogs on separate walks. We had a trainer tell us it’s important to spend one on one time with them so each dog can develop to its full potential. It also helps them become more confident. So, I took Saturday morning to walk each dog separately. The weather was pretty fabulous – it was overcast and in the low 80s, so it was the perfect time to do that.


Then, I hopped on the Peloton for a quick 30 minute intervals run and did a quick 30-minute brief clean of my house. I jumped in the shower and made my grocery list.

easy no bake noodle lasagna recipe

By that time, my husband was home, so we headed to the grocery store. I had to buy a bunch of stuff: I’m trying a new poolside dip this week at some point, and I was making a freezer meal for a friend who had a baby. Once we got home, I got to work in the kitchen.


I made my easy no bake noodle lasagna that you can freeze. I also bought a loaf of garlic bread for them to enjoy. If you haven’t tried my no bake noodle lasagna, you need to. It’s incredibly easy, and it only takes about one hour from start to finish. It can feed a large family – or a large group of people. And, it’s perfect to make and freeze ahead. We also grabbed dinner on our way over, and I made some brownies. We also had some new gifts for the new parents! I do what I can and what I have time for when our friends have babies. While I”m not a mom, I’ve heard from friends how a new baby can just turn your world upside down (in the best ways possible), but it can take time to find your footing. I don’t always have time to make a freezer meal, but I can certainly swing by and grab dinner before I meet their babies!



Sunday morning we woke up, at breakfast and headed to church. My pastor takes a sabbatical for a couple of weeks every summer. This year, he’s going to Rome to study – so he can teach us the book of Romans when he gets back. That being said, he always has a great lineup of guest pastors while he’s out. But, we did want to hear him preach these next couple of weeks before he heads out.

dairy queen

After church, we went on a fun adventure: a mini roadtrip to Lake Somerville. We packed up the dogs and hit the road. A Texas roadtrip is not complete without a stop for a blizzard at Dairy Queen.

lake somerville

We had a lunch at the lake – and let the dogs go swimming. I’ll talk about our little roadtrip a bit more on Wednesday, but we had so much fun.

After we got home, we gave the dogs a bath, I jumped on the Peloton (anyone else doing the #3for30? It’s three miles every day for the month of June), and Aaron and I called it a night.

It was a fast weekend, but filled with so many fun moments and memories! Onto this next week.


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