Today is our 6(!) year anniversary. I can’t believe that six years ago today – that Aaron and I made it official in our glass chapel overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It was the most beautiful day, and I relive that memory (the whole day, really) frequently in my head. But friends, what’s really mattered – are the days that have made up these six years. I’m proud of Aaron and I and the marriage we’ve built, and I think about God’s hand in all of it. You can read part I of our wedding here and part II here.
We are two of the most opposite people you could ever meet, but we fit so well together. The key to our six years so far has truly been teamwork. We approach obstacles as a team – and before you think I’m painting a picture for you through rose-colored glasses, just know that we don’t always agree. But we do agree to talk it out and come to a conclusion that works for our family.
I think that the worst piece of marriage advice that people give is that “the first year of marriage is always the hardest.” That sets you off on a negative mindset. I think that if you go in knowing that your first year of marriage is your foundation-building year, it sets you up for success in the longterm.
Aaron and I met at a dog park when we first moved to Houston. We were friends for awhile before he first asked me out on a date. And during our first date, we talked and talked and talked, and I knew there was something special about this guy (who so was not my type). But when God. God always knows better.
We fell in love pretty quickly, and the rest is history. Oh, friends, but if I could fill in all the pages for you about these 6 years. We’ve been through some incredible ups – and some incredibly low lows. That girl in the picture above was happy, anticipating the life ahead. And the girl six years later, with more pages written in that chapter, is still that same happy girl who is incredibly proud of the life that she and her husband have built.
The life we live today isn’t all the glitz and glamour that made up our wedding day. Sure, we have some wonderful times throughout the year, but you want to know one of our most favorite things to do? Walk our dogs in every evening to recap our day, have pizza night on Fridays and veg out on the couch with a glass or two of wine, and go enjoy a movie together. it’s the small things in life!
So, what’s my takeaway for 6 years of marriage? Learn how to work together as a team! Here are some fun moments from our wedding – and the days leading up to our wedding. Thanks for letting me go down memory lane.
A photo from our honeymoon in Hawaii:
Rehearsal dinner:
One of my favorite wedding photos:
Our engagement party:
We normally try to create a memory to celebrate our anniversary. But, because we’ve got a very busy fall, staying home sounded like the best way to celebrate. So, we are headed to one of our favorite restaurants for our anniversary this weekend to celebrate. My parents also sent over some of very favorite wine – hello, Silver Oak (if you know, you know), so we will be cracking open a bottle of that this weekend.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for reading. I’ll leave you another one of my favorite wedding photos.